If your mother is a senior citizen age 50 or older, she may be at risk for osteoporosis. Home health care professionals suggest that you and your mom may want to educate yourselves on this disease as well as learn about some of the many ways to reduce the risks associated with osteoporosis. Statistically, 20 percent of all older women have this illness that causes the bones to become brittle and fragile. This frailness of bones can lead to stress fractures as well as major fractures from bumps and falls.
How to Prevent Osteoporosis
The first step in protecting your loved one and yourself from osteoporosis is to have regular eye check-ups. As silly as that may sound, if mom is having trouble seeing clearly, this may affect her balance. Also if she does not see clearly, she may walk into furniture or trip and fall more easily.
It’s best to change mom’s footwear as well as your own. As your parent ages, wearing hard sole, flat shoes that fit properly will assist your mother in keeping her balance. Mom may want to wear fashionable high heels, but if she is not steady on her feet, they could spell disaster. It’s recommended to speak with mom’s doctor and pharmacist and reviewing all medications. If any of her medications make her tired and dizzy, additional precautions may need to be considered, including changing to another drug. It is also important to keep the home hazard-free.
Although bones cannot be rebuilt, drinking milk high in vitamin D or eating other foods rich with this vitamin may help to keep the bones from getting any worse. Often doctors and nutritionist will recommend a combination of vitamin D and calcium.
Movement and exercise to strength the bones and the tissues in the body that surround the bone is also highly encouraged. Exercise such as water aerobics, Tai Chi, and mall walking are just a sampling of activities that can strengthen bones and keep your loved one safe.
Home Care Assistance Help With Osteoporosis
While non-medical home health care may not be able to prescribe medication or assist with medical-related tasks, our caregivers at Assisting Hands Home Care in Fort Myers can help with a number of activities around the house to keep mom comfortable. Tasks such as changing shoes, transportation to exercise facility, and preparation of daily, nutritious meals can all be accomplished with the help of our caregivers.
Give us a call at (239) 337-4263 for more information about our home health care services in the Fort Myers, FL area.