After months of being cooped up indoors, the summertime sunshine and warmer temperatures are alluring. Just a breath of fresh air and opening up the windows to catch a breeze is enticing. However, there are dangers outside the home, and precautions need to be taken.
The first time you open your windows you may find them challenging to open. You may be wondering what happened in the winter months to make them difficult to open. In reality, there may not be a change in the window, but maybe in your strength. This may be the first sign a little assistance from a home caregiver might be welcome.
Once that window is opened the breeze from outdoors may circulate some of the accumulated dust that has settled over the past weeks. It is not that you have not attempted to keep your home neat and clean. However, there are places you are not able to reach or see as well as you once did. When these nooks and crannies are not cleaned out, just a little air movement can swirl this dust into the air and cause sneezing, coughing and other allergy symptoms. This situation could get worse if it is not addressed and often at home care is a great solution to that problem. If you cannot maintain a certain aspect of house cleaning, reach out and ask for the assistance from a home caregiver. There is nothing wrong with asking for help.
The best part of summertime is sitting outside and sharing the summer sounds with family and friends. It is important to stay hydrated and resist caffeine and alcohol that will dehydrate and may make you ill. It is an intelligent idea to sit in the shade and not directly expose yourself to the UV rays of the sun. Additionally, using a sunscreen as protection is a plus. If you have sensitive skin or previous skin cancer issues, it is best to consult your physician. Also, if you are taking medications, check to see if there are any indicators regarding sun exposure. Home helpers can guide you through these safety measures when they arise and save you the stress.
Summertime can be a beautiful time to enjoy the outdoors and let the outdoor air come inside. Let a home caregiver lead the way to summertime safety.