How to Stay Active As a Family Caregiver
Caregivers in Boca Raton FL: Getting a little bit more exercise in to each day seems like a complicated task for some caregivers, but it doesn’t have to be three extra hours at the gym every day.
Caregivers in Boca Raton FL: Getting a little bit more exercise in to each day seems like a complicated task for some caregivers, but it doesn’t have to be three extra hours at the gym every day.
Elderly Care in Lake Worth FL: Hepatitis is a potentially serious illness that impacts millions of people throughout the United States each year.This makes it extremely important that you understand the potential complications of this type of infection so that you are able to help your senior manage their condition.
Elder Care in Boca Raton FL: May is Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month. This is the ideal time for you to learn more about skin cancer and how you can integrate this awareness into your care routine for your parent to help protect them.
Caregivers in Royal Palm Beach FL: May is Family Wellness Month, the ideal opportunity for you to work with your whole family to achieve greater health and well-being together.
Your Life Assisted Living and Memory Care in Palm Beach Gardens. Marina, a certified educator with the Alzheimer’s Association, spoke about the importance of the four pillars for healthy aging: Eating right, Exercising the mind, Exercising the body, and Being social. These four pillars are like the four legs in a chair, they are all equally important in order to…
Home Care in North Palm Beach FL: Approximately 1 million people throughout the United States is currently living with Parkinson’s disease. Here are some signs your senior could be suffering from the disease.
Home Care in Royal Palm Beach FL: As we get older, we may begin to notice there are more wrinkles and age spots than we remember. This could be a grueling reminder that we are no longer as young and vibrant as we once were.
Senior Care in Palm Beach FL: About 25 percent of people with PD experience hallucinations. But, just because hallucinations are common, doesn’t make them any easier for family members to deal with. Understanding what is happening and why is the first step to managing the symptom.
Caregivers in Palm Beach Gardens FL: Research shows that an estimated 15.4 million Americans are affected by fraud each year, costing an estimated $16 billion. Sadly, older adults are at a higher risk for identity theft than younger adults.
Elder Care in Boca Raton FL: Heart surgery is frightening experience for both the patient and their family members. If your senior has recently had this surgery, you may have difficult emotions to deal with. Try these tips for handling those emotions.