As a family caregiver it is normal that when your parent is preparing for a major medical procedure such as heart surgery you are preoccupied with making sure that they are prepared for the surgery, that they feel confident and comfortable, and that the care that they need will be waiting for them when they return home for their recovery. It is important to remember, however, that you are likely to experience a wide range of emotions during this time as well, and coping with those emotions effectively is critical to not only preserve in your own mental and emotional health and well-being throughout this time, but also ensuring that you can continue to be the highest quality caregiver possible for your senior as they recover.
Some emotions that you may experience when your parent is undergoing heart surgery and tips for coping include:
- Fear. It is easy to feel afraid when we think about your parent undergoing a major medical procedure. Reassure yourself that while this is a serious surgery, it is also relatively common. Survival rates for heart surgery after one year are at nearly 100% nationwide.
- Anxiety about care. You know that after your parent undergoes heart surgery that they will need additional care and support. You may worry that you are not equipped to give them the level of care that they need, particularly if you have other responsibilities in your life such as children, a career, and a home to manage. Before your parents goes in for surgery, start building a care team. Knowing that there is additional care of available from friends, family members, neighbors, and professional elder care providers will reassure you that your parent will have everything that they need and that you can still focus on the other aspects of your life.
- Anxiety about end-of-life issues. Even knowing that the survival rates for this type of surgery are exceptional may not completely take away thoughts and worries about your parent. The fact that they need this surgery could make it so that you are thinking about their mortality and their eventual end-of-life transition. You may worry that you will not be able to make the right decisions or that you will not honor your parent’s wishes. If you are feeling this type of anxiety, talk to your parent. Encourage them to record their thoughts and wishes, and to start making plans so that you know that you will give them the respect and honor that they deserve when the time comes.
If you have been looking for a way to enhance your aging loved ones quality of life and support their management of individual challenges, limitations, and issues, now maybe you could heal time for you to start elder care for them. And elderly home care services provider can be with your parent on a schedule that is right for both their needs and the care that you already give them. This ensures that your relationship and the efforts that you give them remain at the forefront of their care while both of you can also feel confident that any other needs will be addressed effectively, efficiently, and respectfully. The personalized services that this care provider can offer your parent will be specifically tailored to not just their needs, but also their individual goals, personality, and preferences. This helps them to stay healthy, safe, and comfortable while pursuing independence and engagement.
If You Or An Aging Loved One Are Considering Hiring Professional Elder Care in North Palm Beach, FL, Please Contact The Caring Staff at Assisting Hands Home Care at (561) 566-5989 Today.
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