June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month
Alzheimer’s Disease is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, deaths from this disease have increased by a staggering 123% in since the year 2000. Costs associated with Alzheimer’s approach $277 billion per year. 16.1 million family and friends provide care to people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias in the United States.
No doubt about it. The cold, hard facts about Alzheimer’s Disease are sobering. That’s why the Alzheimer’s Association has chosen June as the month to raise awareness of these statistics and work toward a world without Alzheimer’s. On June 21, The Longest Day, the summer solstice, there are a variety of events planned to raise awareness and funds for care and research.
The Alzheimer’s Association offers support for every stage of the disease. Recently there has been an increased focus on early diagnosis and intervention. Early diagnosis enables individuals to prepare legal, financial and end-of-life plans while they are still cognitively able to make decisions and share their wishes
As with other chronic diseases that don’t yet have a cure, disease, Alzheimer’s can take a toll on family members. Because it is a progressive disease, the symptoms worsen over time and the person becomes more dependent on others for basic care. 85% of persons living with Alzheimer’s disease have unpaid caregiver support from family and friends. The Association has a wealth of information focused on strategies for these caregivers.
Chances are you know someone with Alzheimer’s disease. We don’t yet have a cure, but we have learned a lot about how to navigate daily living with the disease. Take advantage of the wealth of information offered by the Alzheimer’s Association by visiting their website at alz.org.