Older Adults Should Do These 7 Healthy Activities
Some of our favorite things to do aren’t exactly healthy for us, and if this is the case for you, then it’s time to find new hobbies that are good for you. For example, if you have a fitness or mental goal, then sitting around watching TV all the time isn’t going to help you accomplish them. Don’t worry though because there are many hobbies that are good for you, so you don’t have to choose from a handful of hobbies. With that said, here are a few easy things you can do to become healthier.
1. Bird Watching
Bird watching is a laid back activity, but it is healthy for you. When you are outside, you are being active and you are being physical. There’s a bit of moving around with this activity.
For long periods of time, you will be sitting quietly waiting for birds, which means you’ll also get peace and quiet. You’ll enjoy mental clarity and you will remain alert because as soon as a bird is in sight, you’ll have to be quick to grab your binoculars. Also, some people do bird watching in groups and if you do this, then you will be socializing, which offers an array of health benefits. Socialization is very important for humans to do.
2. Golf
When you go golfing, you’ll enjoy many of the same benefits you’d experience with bird watching, which is one of the reasons you should play a few rounds of golf on a regular basis. While out on the golf course, you’ll be getting plenty of fresh air and there are various cardiovascular benefits. Like bird watching, golf can be a social activity too.
You don’t have to play golf to experience the benefits of it. For example, you can stay in the clubhouse and socialize, but you should play golf. When you’re playing, you’ll be swinging clubs and constantly be walking, and you’ll receive a confidence boost when you win a round or the entire game.
3. Gardening
Gardening is more physical than most people think, and you can easily spend hours outside doing it. Gardening offers many of the benefits that bird watching offers and golfing. Not only that, but gardening is fun and you can get creative with what you want to grow and when you want to do it.
4. Photography
The beauty of photography is you can do it inside or outside. As you’re taking photos, you’ll be moving, bending and standing up constantly, which is why photography is physical and good for you. If your subjects are humans, then you’ll enjoy the social aspect of photography because you’ll have to interact with them.
5. Walking Clubs
Houston elder care services often recommend people walk, especially elderly. This is why you should join a walking club, bit if you don’t want to do this, then walk with a friend. Walk as much as you can, or at least 3-4 days per week because this can make all the difference in the world.
6. Cooking
Cooking is extremely fun and it is something you can do every single day and you can do it a few times per day. Find cooking classes in the area and go to them a few times per week or at least once per week. Also, you’ll be standing up, slicing, dicing and chopping away, which is quite physical. The fun thing about doing cooking classes is you can implement what you learn.
7. Take Classes
Houston elder care facilities often offer classes, which is something you’ll want to do because it can challenge your brain. Learning new things keeps your mind sharp. Take a look at what classes are offered by a Houston elder care facility and then enroll in it.
The above hobbies are simple to do and they are fun, but best of all they all offer great health benefits. These benefits include m ental benefits and social benefits, as well as physical ones. If you want to reap the benefits of the above activities, then start doing them right away.
Consider checking out a Houston elder care facility because such facilities offer the above hobbies, and since they are based in Houston, the weather is often decent enough to do outdoor activities. Sure, some of the above might not be stuff you want to do and that’s fine, but the key is to choose at least 1-3 activities you’d like to try and then do them on a regular basis. The sooner you decide what hobbies you want to do, the sooner you can experience the potential benefits they offer.
Call or contact Assisting Hands Houston for more information. We invite you to visit our blog, for other Houston elder care related articles.