8 Healthy Resolutions Every Senior Should Make
Have you been looking to improve your quality of life and health but have yet to take the first step? Why not make it your goal or resolution for 2022? All you need is to focus on the things that matter for better health and well-being. Here are the top 8 healthy resolutions every senior should make this year.
1. Add More Nutrient-dense Foods To Your Diet Plan
A well-balanced diet plan is essential for good health and improved immunity. Although your body may require fewer calories, increasing your consumption of nutrient-dense foods would be advisable. Add more seafood, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, seeds, nuts, beans, and poultry to your diet plan for improved health. Avoid or limit consumption of processed foods, drinks, and white bread.
2. Get Physically Active
As a senior adult, you need to engage in physically demanding activities to keep your muscles strong and increase flexibility. Aerobic exercises, such as swimming, walking, dancing, yoga, etc., can go a long way in improving your endurance, flexibility, and balance.
3. Stay Positive
With a positive attitude, you’ll be able to overcome most conditions linked with aging, such as memory loss, chronic diseases, stress, and depression. Seniors with a positive mindset hardly ever feel lonely and have a better chance of recovering from an injury or disability than those with a negative mindset.
4. Do Something Mentally Challenging
Most of us tend to relax as we get older and avoid anything that seems too challenging. It would, however, be advisable to challenge your brain every once in a while, to stimulate most, if not all, brain muscles and cells. Simple things such as learning something new, reading a book, watching a movie, or playing games is good for your aging mind.
5. Lend A Helping Hand
Nothing is more satisfying for an older adult than lending a helping hand. According to research, helping someone or volunteering at social events helps reduce your risk of depression and stress. Being in the company of other people also keeps you socially, mentally, and physically active, hence good for your health.
6. Make New Friends & Stay Connected
Seniors need to participate in social events and make and stay in contact with friends. This reduces their risk of feeling lonely, sliding into deep thoughts, and depression, among other vices.
7. Participate In Arts
Writing, dancing, music, and theatre are fun and good for your cognitive performance and mood. Make this one of your new year’s resolutions and make it count.
8. Share A Good Laugh
A good hearty laugh every once in a while is good for your health and immune system. Sharing jokes with friends and family or watching comedy would come in handy here.
Reasons To Choose Us
We have a team of well-trained professionals ready and willing to offer the best care possible. Our company runs on one principle, love and care. We offer non-medical in-home care for all seniors all day, every day. Your loved ones will be in good hands with us. Contact us or call us today for more information! We’re here to help you!