Elder Care in Palm Beach FL
When you’re a family caregiver, you’re dealing with a great deal of stress quite often. But even though stress is a part of the job, you don’t have to walk around feeling like a stressed-out zombie version of yourself.
Become Conscious of Your Stress Levels
Often people become so accustomed to having high levels of stress in their lives that they really don’t notice how high their stress levels actually are. Start taking a few moments every day to check in with yourself and to really get a feel for how stressed out you are on a scale of one to 10. When the numbers are at the higher end of the scale, you really need to look at what you can do to lower those levels.
Give Yourself a Pep Talk
Instead of beating yourself up over the things that you worry you aren’t doing right, try giving yourself a pep talk instead. Every time you’re tempted to berate yourself or you give yourself a guilt trip, stop right then. Rephrase the criticism and say the rephrased version aloud. For example, instead of telling yourself you did something wrong, say to yourself, “You’re doing a great job with the skills and the resources that you have available.” You can’t be perfect, so don’t be mean to yourself about it.
Roll with the Punches
When you’re a family caregiver, things are going to change constantly. Your loved one might have a health setback or you might not have as many family members able to help out as you once did. Instead of mooning over those changes and challenges, accept them and do what you need to do to move on. The one certainty in life is in fact change, so embrace that now.
Don’t Stay On Call
You can’t be the only one your elderly loved one can count on. That’s dangerous for you because it leaves you with full responsibility all the time. talk to other family members about helping out more often and, if necessary, look into hiring elder care providers. These options can give you the respite time that you desperately need.
Live in Reality
There’s a lot to be said for always seeing the bright side of a situation, but you have to be realistic about it, too. Sometimes no matter what you do for your elderly loved one, her health will continue to decline. Make sure that you’re as knowledgeable as you can be about her health and her existing health conditions.
Stress can’t be completely avoided, of course, but you sure don’t need to invite it to stay, either.
If You Or An Aging Loved One Are Considering Hiring Professional Elder Care in Palm Beach, FL, Please Contact The Caring Staff at Assisting Hands Home Care at 561-829-3080 Today.
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