Memory loss might be something that your aging adult fears so much that she’s constantly certain that she’s in danger of developing dementia. Knowing when memory loss is something to truly worry about can help to put your senior’s mind at ease.
1.Simple Tasks Are Suddenly Too Difficult
When your elderly family member starts to have difficulty with normal daily activities, such as remembering what to do when she’s brushing her teeth, this can be a sign of trouble. These are usually activities that your elderly family member has engaged in on her own for decades, so they shouldn’t be difficult for her to follow now.
2.Disorientation in Familiar Spaces
If there’s a space that your elderly family member is extremely familiar in, such as her own home or a local park, but she suddenly doesn’t know where something is in that location, she may be having much more serious issues. Familiar locations should be safe places for your aging adult.
3.Severe Aphasia
Aphasia is the inability to use the correct word or to find the correct word. Speaking jumbled or garbled phrases, particularly ones that your elderly family member has always known, can be a sign of trouble. This is more than occasionally being unable to find the right word. It’s more about having difficulty with language as a whole.
4.Extreme Repetition
Your elderly family member might suddenly be telling you the same stories, over and over. Or possibly she’ll start a conversation by telling you something and then a few minutes later, she’ll repeat what she said. The really concerning part is going to be if your elderly family member doesn’t remember having told you the first time.
5.She Can’t Describe When Memory Issues Caused Bigger Trouble
If your aging adult can tell you that she had a difficult time earlier in the day because her memory issues gave her a difficult time, they’re probably not as severe as she fears. On the other hand, if your elderly family member doesn’t realize that her memory issues are making her life more difficult, this is a cause for concern.
Having elderly care providers available can ease some of your aging adult’s worries if she’s experiencing some of these issues. They can also give you peace of mind that your elderly family member isn’t alone.
If you or an aging loved one are considering dementia care in Richardson, TX, please contact the caring staff at Assisting Hands of Preston Hollow today at (214) 760-6944.
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